9 Incredible Benefits Of Massage You Might Not Know About

Reduce stress

Massage therapy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine. A massage therapist uses their hands or forearms to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues, usually with the goal of increasing flexibility and range of motion. Massage has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, release tension in your muscles, improve sleep quality, boost your immune system and make you feel more positive overall. It can also help you become more confident because it leads to better self-esteem by improving your ability to cope with stressors. The benefits are clear — so why aren’t you getting massages every week?

Boosts immunity

  • Increases blood flow: The increased circulation of blood can help deliver more oxygen to the cells, which promotes healing and reduces pain.
  • Increases lymphatic drainage: Massage helps move toxins through the body’s lymphatic system. This is important because it’s one of the body’s main methods for removing waste products like bacteria, dead cells, and heavy metals.
  • Increases oxygenation of cells: Massage increases the amount of oxygen that reaches your tissues. It also increases nitric oxide production—a chemical that dilates your blood vessels so more oxygen gets where it needs to go quickly—thereby increasing circulation even further!
  • Increases production of white blood cells (or leukocytes): White blood cells fight off infections by attacking foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses before they have a chance to get inside our bodies’ walls and cause damage; massaging muscles can help boost their numbers!

Improve flexibility

Flexibility is a measure of how far you can stretch a muscle. It’s important for overall health, because it helps reduce the risk of injury and improves athletic performance. Massage therapy can make a big difference in your flexibility by increasing the elasticity of your muscles and connective tissue.

Massage also encourages lymph flow, which helps remove toxins from the body through waste products that are filtered into the lymphatic system (a network of channels inside your body). Stretching exercises such as yoga or tai chi are also great for improving flexibility

Improve circulation

Massage also helps to improve circulation. Massage can help to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, as well as reduce swelling and pain. When you stimulate the tissues of your body through massage, it increases their ability to hold water, which in turn increases circulation.

Detoxify the body

Detoxification is the process of getting rid of toxic substances from the body. It’s a natural process that happens all the time, but it can be sped up by detoxing.

Detoxification helps to remove toxins from your body, such as heavy metals, pesticides and environmental pollutants. When toxins are removed from your bloodstream, you’ll feel better physically and mentally because you’re not burdened by them anymore!

Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles

A massage can help to relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.

The physical effects of massage are often immediate. Massage can help to reduce muscle pain by increasing blood flow to the affected area and reducing inflammation in tense or sore muscles. It can also improve muscle tone and increase flexibility in the body by stretching tight muscles.

Relieve pain in soft tissue caused by injury, stress and strain

Massage can help with pain caused by injury, stress and strain. It reduces the amount of tissue damage due to injury, helps the body recover from it more quickly and reduces swelling. Massage also decreases pain signals sent to the brain by blocking their pathway along nerve fibers that carry sensory information through your spinal cord.

Massage has been shown to help with inflammation in soft tissues such as muscles and tendons. Inflammation is what causes muscle soreness after exercise or strains from overuse (like playing tennis every day). Massage works by increasing blood flow to inflamed areas which helps reduce tissue damage caused by swelling or irritation. This makes you feel better faster!

Help to rehabilitate sports injuries

Massage helps to reduce inflammation, improve flexibility and range of motion, calm the nervous system, break down scar tissue and adhesions. Massage also helps improve the quality of sleep as well as reduce pain.

The key to improving sports injuries is to start early in rehabilitation. This can be done by using massage therapy or manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilization or joint manipulation. Massage helps break down scar tissue that forms around injured joints so that they are able to move more freely again.

Massage can help with many different types of injuries including sprains/strains (pulled muscle), whiplash injuries from car accidents or falls (neck pain), sports injuries such as torn muscles/ligaments (leg cramps), broken bones from falls onto concrete pavement etc..

Massage is a form of healing that reduces pain.

Massage is a form of healing that reduces pain. It can be performed by a professional or by yourself, on any part of your body.


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the benefits of massage. If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to do your own research and find out what is best for your body.

Alternate paragraph for immunity

Did you know that massage can help boost your immunity?

It’s true! Massage helps boost your body’s production of white blood cells (or leukocytes), which fight off infections by attacking foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses before they have a chance to get inside our bodies’ walls and cause damage.

Massage also increases circulation, which means it delivers more oxygen to the cells—a crucial part of healing. Increased circulation also reduces pain. And increased lymphatic drainage helps move toxins through the body’s lymphatic system—another important way for removing waste products like bacteria, dead cells, and heavy metals.

And don’t forget about all those awesome benefits on top of all this! Massage increases oxygenation of cells; it increases nitric oxide production—a chemical that dilates your blood vessels so more oxygen gets where it needs to go quickly—thereby increasing circulation even further!

Niki Ricciardi

Niki Ricciardi